Assistant Professor Dr. Haider Hussain Katea, Dean of the College of Education for Human Sciences / Dhi Qar University
CV – Arabic language….. To the Dean of the College of Education, Assistant Professor Dr. Haider Hussain Katea

Speech of the Dean of the College

In the name of Allah  , the most gracious, the most merciful

Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his good family, and his impeccable companions.

God Almighty said in the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful ((God raises those who have believed among you and those who have been given knowledge by degrees)) God Almighty has spoken the truth
The College of Education for Human Sciences is the first nucleus of the University of Dhi Qar, as the college was founded and attached to the University of Basra and teaching began there in the academic year 1993-1994, and it included three departments: Arabic, English, and history. After the founding of the University of Dhi Qar in the year 2002 AD, the college was formed With the Faculties of Arts and Sciences, the basic building block for the launch of the first university in the province.
Only a few years passed until the college began to open evening studies in it, in addition to opening other scientific departments such as geography, educational and psychological sciences,
In order to complete the requirements of the governorate’s need for advanced scientific cadres, the college has begun to open many specializations in postgraduate studies. Today it includes a doctoral study in the specialty of the Arabic language in the branches of language and literature, as well as studying a master’s degree in the specializations of the Arabic language in the aforementioned two syllables, the English language, and educational and psychological sciences. It was recently approved to open PhD study in modern and contemporary history, as well as two master’s studies in geography and Islamic history.
Today, the college includes more than three thousand male and female students in the initial morning and evening studies, in addition to nearly three hundred postgraduate students who attend studies in its various departments. 75% of them. This is supported by a cadre of seventy-eight employees and technicians with various specializations and scientific certificates.
The college has always been providing state departments in and outside the province with specialized scientific cadres holding bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees with available specializations. Almost every department in the province is devoid of graduates of this college who have taken their leading role in the labor market.
The college is looking forward to openness and the introduction of modern systems in its educational programs. It has participated with other colleges in the university in the application of e-learning, and its professors and students have been involved in this field.
Today, the college continues with its main programs and goals represented in preparing teaching and educational cadres that take upon themselves the task of promoting the promising generation through which the precious Iraq can be promoted socially, economically, politically, and in all other various fields.
Our constant supplication is that God Almighty preserves our dear college with its cadres and students, our dear university, and our benevolent country with His protection.

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